Thursday, September 27, 2012

Shouldn't We Try The Robots Instead ?

Have you ever thought of having robots in school as teachers instead of having the real persons?

It may sound weird but sometimes, I really wanted to bite the idea and see for myself  which one works better.

Teaching is one of the noblest things a person can ever do in his life.  As a teacher, whether you're a professional or not, so much is expected from you.  As a teacher, you're like a fish in a bowl, watched by so many people around, trying to check whether you're swimming the way you taught people how to swim.  As a teacher, you cannot go wrong and definitely,  you have no privilege either  to commit mistakes . Otherwise, you will lose your credibility.  Hence, teachers try their best to live up to the ideals of teaching.
They try  to become  role models to their students and be the living examples of their own preaching. 

Unfortunately, teachers are not supernaturals. They are not gods, either.  They are just  human beings with their own sets of misgivings.  Just like anybody else, teachers are also susceptible to feel good or bad on anything that affects them and to react accordingly.  And just like anybody else in other fields, teachers have their own emotions and  pride to protect, including their thick-shelled  insecurities.  All these put together make it difficult for us to understand why some teachers behave the way they should not or the other way around.

It is for these reasons that  I had this wildest thought - that is  to try robots in school as teachers.  Robots will only do what you have instructed them to do.  They will do their lesson plans as instructed and submit the same on time as ordered.  They will teach the children the way they were required to do so.  They will never sleep during vacant hours inside the classrooms or even during class  hours. They will never cheat their attendance sheets.  They will not talk about the misgivings of other robots.  They will not mind rumors and gossips.   They will never feel insecure of anybody.  There will be no professional rivalry or jealousy among them.  They will just  follow orders which some teachers  find it so difficult to do.

How I wish robots are capable of  loving their clients, both the students and the parents, their peers or colleagues and their superiors as well.    How I wish they are capable of being compassionate, too!  How I wish robots  are capable also of being sensitive to the needs and feelings of the people around them.  How I wish they can also work in a team ~ cooperating and coordinating with each other, not for the good of anyone alone, but for the good of the whole school.

Teachers are capable of doing all the things that robots can do.  Most importantly, teachers are capable of doing all the things that robots cannot do. That's how superior teachers are to the robots.      The only problem is, some teachers wanted to be treated like robots, as if they are.  Shouldn't we try the robots instead?


Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Twenty-three (23) more days to go and I would be the happiest mom on earth.  It may sound very exaggerated, but it's true.

For twenty years, we were doing a lot of things together - eating, sleeping, shopping, travelling, crying, laughing at someone or even laughing at  ourselves . . . together!

Six months  after her debut,  she left for London.  From Southville Foreign University where she finished her Associate in Hotel and Restaurant Management,  she  continued  her studies in International Hospitality Management, first, at the Isle of Man, then proceeded to London Metropolitan University .  If only I could, I would have prevented  her from leaving the Philippines . . . from leaving us  (her Dad and me ).  But it was her dream and we do not want to nurture our selfishness at the expense of fulfilling her ambitions in life.

Not long after, she met the man of her life at the uni and eventually decided to get married.  There was an indescribable pain  at the start, which, through the process of acceptance, later on became a sigh of relief.  Finally,  my Queen is  in good hands over there in the land of the Brits . . . the place of the King and Queen . . . the place where Reina  now belongs.

Since her marriage last August 16, 2011 and since we bade goodbye to each other last August 28, 2011 at the Heathrow Airport in London, we will only see each other again on October 19, 2012.

Isn't that exciting?

Oh, well, as a mom, I'm so EXCITED to see my only daughter , REIN, and my only son, JOE!  They will be  my  special guests/hosts  during our  3-in-1 HALLOWEEN SPECIAL !

Believe me . . . I'm so EXCITED to be with them for fifteen looooong days!

Let's start from a bit of artz

I planted a seed today . . . the start of a new beginning!
Tomorrow, the seed will start to grow . . .
And grow... and grow . . . 
Until it becomes a healthy tree . . .
Ready to give . . . ready to share
Everything that is in it.

I am ready to nurture the seed
and let it grow until it becomes a healthy tree...
Ready to give... ready to share
Everything that is in it.